
👋 My name is Wim Louw. I am a Data Scientist at the City of Cape Town in South Africa

I work as part of a small, multidisciplinary team of data engineers and data scientists to help departments in the City use their data more effectively to improve service delivery, to answer questions, and to solve problems.

Previously, I was the Research Manager at J-PAL Africa, where I had a long stint in the world of development economics, randomized controlled trials and field experiments, mostly in the space of youth employment, education, and administrative data.

I am interested in development economics, civic tech, natural language processing, computational social science, and causal inference.

I hold an MSc in Social Research Methods from the London School of Economics, and an MA in Linguistics from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Durban is my hometown! 😎)

This site is a personal project.

I was curious about creating websites with Quarto.

This was wonderfully easy :)